Saturday, November 25, 2006

Pkg. from Tina in Germany

I just received a pkg from Tina Schlenker in Germany. I wish I could Thank her for the Pudding she sent. I can't wait to try it out. She had sent me a email about four weeks ago, when our little buddy had has passed away and I was having such a hard time, asking for my address. She stated she just wanted to a little something for me. You have really belssed me, Tina, if by nothing else , just the thought. Since she emailed me,I have changed email server's from Outlook Express to Incredimail. And in the process I lost some of the emials I was saving with some addresses, information, etc. on them. It did not transfer all of them. And upon re-checking the Outlook Express, it deleted, what it did not transfer. So I'm sorry Tina, if your reading this, that I could not email you privately. You can see by the photo, that your pkg. went thru some rough stuff. The Post office had to re-package it in a plastic sleeve to get it on to me! But the inside pkg. was in tact and I'm going to make the purdding. Just think Pudding from Germany!!!!! Thank you again so much, and gosh I hope you read this!!!!!!! Your kindness was greatly appreciated!

PS> I had a DUH moment. I did look at the back of the envelope and found Tina's address in Germany, so I will write her a thank you note!!!!!

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Blogger Looming Looney said...

did the mailman bleed on your package?

November 26, 2006  

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