My Grandson to be in the womb
Well IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's 17 weeks and 2 days in the womb. Everything is perfect. She checked everything from spina bifida to anything else she could and he's perfect. he'll be a little bigger than my baby girl was. She was 5 lbs. 15 oz. Long and slender. He was very active while she was doing the ultrasound, which is a good sign!!! I knew it was going to be a boy!!!! You should have seen my son-in-law. he was grinning like the cat that ate the bird!!!!!!! He was on the phone in noe time telling his parents which live close to 3 hrs. away!!! But not to be out done, so was Mimi telling everyone she could think of to call. I was going to include one more to show that he was a boy, but thought that offend some people, so I'll leave it off!!!! My daughter let me bring home the film to scan and then to email to her as she does not have a scanner and then she can email who she wants as well!!!! Like there's anyone else to tell, but you, the people who might read my blog. Now to knit for a boy!!!!!!! Thanks for listening to me brag!!!! He's due the mid of July. No name yet, although their thinking of Sawyer!!!
Congrats! And if the boy pic offended anyone, they don't need to look at it! Watcha knitting????
And by the way...
I've tagged you for The Power of 7! You can see it here: Click Here
It's a kind of "getting to know you" for your blog. :)
Congratulations!! So, what are you going to knit? I may join this time around. Two of my neighbors had little girls. Baby are just so precious. Don't you just love em, love me.
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