Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Socks are finished

Don't know why it took me so long just to kitchener the toe of the last one. I think it's been a couple of weeks, if not longer since I've finished them. Guess I had tooooo many iron's in the fire and just kept putting it off. So (last night)Christmas night after all the storm was over I set down in front of my computer and looked up knittinghelp.com and watched the viedo one more time and kitchenered the toe. And Wala, they are a finished!!!!! Whoopee!!!!! Since it's around 1:27 in the afternoon, I'll put these on tomorrow and wear them. Can't wait to wear my first pair of hand knitted socks. Everyone talks about how wonderful they are to wear. Don't know if your suppose to wash them first or not. Maybe I'll hand wash them and let them dry overnight. Anyway I'm proud of myself for finishing them. I've got two other pairs on the needles. So off I got to knit. I've not had much time for that as of lately. Posted by Picasa


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